Power of Light Language

My mentor:
“I think your light language is about to come out, are you ready?”

What? What language? Errrr….I don’t think anything is coming out…
Few moments of silence later….

Also Me (Hearing my guides nudging me):
“Okay, whatever this thing is, let’s do it”

And, so….she helped me with my activation, leading me to speak light language, for the 1st time in 2016

Ever since then, I’ve experienced amazing results from speaking light language. You might be wondering….

“Elies, this is great, but wth is light language?””

Fear not, I’ve got you covered! Ready?

What is Light Language?

It is simply the language of the soul. It is an expression of the Divine through sound, art, or even hand movement. If you refer to the image in this post, you’ll find an example of light language art that I’ve channelled recently.

Regardless of the form it takes, it’s important to note that light language is not meant to be understood by the mind, but felt from depth of your heart and soul.

What are the benefits of light language?

It clears your mind, opens your heart and accelerates your healing.

For me, my biggest shift from speaking light language is how it enables me to create quantum shift in my vibration, in a matter of seconds, or minutes, at most.

This allows me to receive Divine guidance and inspiration, easier and faster. Results? Alignment and flow in life and biz!

How can I learn how to speak my own light language?

I’m so glad I’ve found this tool and I can’t wait to share more with you!

You can learn more about light language, art of channelling and how to speak your own light language here

Your Starseed Guide,

Elies Hadi x


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