Hey there, brave soul! I’m SO thrilled for your soul journey

The thing is…while the spiritual awakening journey is a rewarding one,
it can gets realy bumpy at times, doesn't it?

Hey there,
I am Elies,
Your Starseed Guide & healer

I am here to help starseeds & lightworkers,
like you, to step into your Divine mission

I do this through Light Language, akashic healing, Soul Crystalline™ Coaching and more

i am known for my ability to teach spirituality in a very grounded way

Here's the gist of my starseed awakening journey

The thing is, I've been surrounded by starseed my whole life without realizing that I am one!

It's all thanks to the Silent Day in Bali that I found myself. On this very sacred day, all lights in the city are switched off for the entire night. That means one thing- the sky is especially dark, revealing the starry sky like never before

As I gazed into the star, I found my my eyes filled with tears as I remembered this familiar feeling of coming home.

For the 1st time in my life, I felt that I belong

That's when I realized that I come from the star and I am not alone. My star family is always watching over me and supporting me in my journey.

In that moment, I become clear with my Divine mission.

I'm here to be your guiding light, so you can remember the magnificence that's already within you, starseed!

I can't wait to see how our journey unfolds, right here, right now, are you ready?



I love a slooowww morning...It's a non-negotiable for me


I'm a Vegan & I love a lot of “me-time” but I also love people, irony of life….

I'm a big nature lover! I recently hiked the 2nd highest volcano in Indonesia and it’s worth the 3 days spent with Mama Mountain!

 I left behind everything to move to Bali and stay there for a great 3 years or so before moving back home!




My healing & awakening journey...


I was a total seminar junkie! From personal development to business to spiritual events, you’d find me there, desperately searching for “answers”...



I finally hit my “enough is enough point” where I quit my banking job in Singapore. I traveled the world in the name of “eat, pray, love”, my version

I’ve received my Grand Master Certification for Angel Healing. I also activated my Light Language in the same year. 

I moved to Bali for 3 years where I experienced an accelerated awakening journey, starting from sexual awakening, divine feminine rising, 5d activation and many more. It's also during this time that I finally embrace my starseed self

I left Bali and came back to my hometown in Batam Island, Indonesia. Ever since then, I’ve been experiencing dream activation where I started to recall my gifts, including that of Akashic Healing,  & more. I've also decided to expand my work to include 5D biz activation for those of you who are ready to bring your starseed vision to life


I conducted my 1st Angel Workshop and Started my Coaching Business

My true healing journey begun, after experiencing the loss of my father. I’ve been going to different healing modalities, from rebirthing to Angel healing 



& now